Strategy and values
We want to promote the electrification of transport, the increase in renewable energy generation, the creation of energy communities and the engagement of customers in the energy market.
Climate change and digitalisation are transforming the energy industry and society as a whole. A weatherproof, smart electricity network will also create the basis for an energy system of the future, in which digital services will increase, transport will be electrified and consumers will become energy producers.
Our vision is one million satisfied customers
The promotion of the energy transition in a cost-efficient way requires new skills. In future, it is critical to develop our electricity network in such a way that in addition to weather resistance, it is prepared to respond to changes in the operating environment. Our objective is to provide a safe, interruption-resistant and smart electricity network.
Future-proof, effective and productive operations
We are here for our customers. Interaction with us must be easy and convenient for customers, and transactions must be safe and of high quality. We believe that electronic services are the future.
When developing the electricity network, we take into account the future needs of our customers, as well as the development of the energy market and regional differences. We are continually working to improve our operations and to find the most cost-efficient solutions for the development of the electricity network.
Efficient use of system management and data
The promotion of the energy transition in a cost-efficient way requires new skills. In future, it is critical to develop our electricity network in such a way that in addition to weather resistance, it is prepared to respond to changes in the operating environment. Our objective is to provide a safe, interruption-resistant and smart electricity network. We develop data analytics and operational models needed for the design and flexible management of our electricity network as well as for the development of services built on it.
Collaboration with decision-makers and authorities
We want to be regarded by our stakeholders as a responsible operator and a trusted advisor. This requires that we exercise active engagement, encourage dialogue, search for solutions, and promote change. We collaborate at different levels of society with decision-makers and authorities, and provide our input for the development of legislation and regulation.
Potential for growth in regulated electricity distribution
We believe that in the near future, the electricity distribution market will become more centralised. This is caused by, e.g., energy transition, potentially tightened regulation, and increased efficiency requirements. Finland's electricity distribution market is very decentralized with a total of 77 distribution companies. The total number of customers in the smallest of these companies is less than the annual increase in Caruna Group's number of customers. We are prepared to cooperate in this with other operators in the industry.
Other opportunities supporting the competitiveness of regulated operations
If the promotion of the energy transition so requires, we may also consider non-regulated business operations or services. They should support regulated operations or may even be necessary to ensure the success of such operations. These added value services must genuinely benefit our customers and society.
New business opportunities could be brought on by, for example, demand response, where the customer can consume electricity when it is cheaper, or batteries suitable for electricity storage.
I dare to act
- I dare to set my goals high and strive to do things better. I believe that the current state needs to be challenged.
- I want to assume responsibility and I dare to make decisions. At the same time, I am willing to give responsibility and ready to trust.
- I allow mistakes, both by me and my colleagues. I promise to review my mistakes and learn from them.
- I act in a straightforward manner; I focus on facts and communicate and give feedback sincerely and with respect.
- Our job involves safety risks. Safety always comes first and we never compromise on it.
With good energy
- I strive to make things simple and easy. Unnecessary bureaucracy and complexity do not belong to our culture – they consume energy and not increase it.
- I am curious and willing to learn new, both at my job and in the world outside.
- I always keep my promises. Complete trust is the core of our straightforward culture.
- Every one of us is the face and voice of Caruna. I play my part with joy and pride.
- If I notice that my colleague needs cheering up, I want to do so. If (s)he needs support or a shoulder to lean on, I offer it.
- We exist for our customers. They get the best results when we act seamlessly together.
- Collaboration requires active interaction of us: communication about what we do and interest in each other’s work.
- We want to meet and get to know each other, both as professionals and persons, across team and department boundaries. We always keep our partners involved.
- I contribute to our good team spirit. In our interactions, there should be joy, laughter, high fives and a “let’s do it” mindset.