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Caruna in 2022: the energy crisis raised costs and accelerated the ongoing energy transition
Caruna's operating environment deteriorated significantly in 2022 due to the extraordinary changes taken by the regulator in the middle of the regulatory period and a general increase in costs due to the energy crisis triggered by the Ukraine war. The Group's net sales from January to December amounted to EUR 484.6 (499.8) million, and it invested EUR 133.6 (140.1) million. Net sales before financial expenses decreased in comparison with the previous year. Net financial expenses amounted to 121.0, which is approximately 25 per cent of net sales.
Caruna to raise electricity distribution prices due to cost increases
Costs are rising at an increasing rate in Finland, and this also affects Caruna's costs. Electricity network construction has become more expensive, and the costs of energy losses have risen substantially this year. Interest rate levels are also higher. For this reason, the network service rates will rise from 1 January 2023.
Noora Neilimo-Kontio appointed as Caruna's CFO and deputy CEO
Caruna's SVP People, Public Affairs & Regulation, Noora Neilimo-Kontio, MSc (Econ.), was appointed as Caruna's CFO and deputy CEO as of 13 June 2022. She reports to CEO Jyrki Tammivuori.
Jyrki Tammivuori appointed CEO of Caruna as of 13 May 2022
Caruna’s Board of Directors has appointed Jyrki Tammivuori, M.Sc (Econ) CEO of Caruna as of 13 May, 2022. Tammivuori has been working for Caruna since 2015, first as CFO. Since 2018 Tammivuori has held the position of CFO and deputy CEO at Caruna. Tammivuori was appointed Acting CEO of Caruna in March 2022.
Caruna's Annual Report 2021 published
The Caruna Group (Caruna) Annual Report for 2021 has been published at The Annual Report contains sections on Corporate Responsibility and Governance and, as separate pdf files, also the ESG indicator section that summarises number data, as well as the financial statements for 2021.
Marika Tuominen started as Head of Caruna's Customer experience and online services
Master of Business Marika Tuominen started as Head of Caruna's Customer experience and online services on 3 January 2022.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.
Caruna awarded the best classification in occupational safety by the Zero Accidents Forum
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Zero Accidents Forum has once again issued safety classifications to its member companies. As in the previous four years, Caruna is in the best category: Among the best in the world.
Noora Neilimo-Kontio appointed as member of Caruna's Management Team
Noora Neilimo-Kontio, KTM (MSc in Economics and Business Administration), Head of Regulation and Strategy at Caruna, has been appointed as member of Caruna's Management Team as of 12 March 2020. She reports to CEO Tomi Yli-Kyyny.
Caruna gets its own godoldster - work for a young person, a friend for an elderly person
Caruna participates in elderly service company Gubbe's Happy Old Age sponsor activities. The aim of the sponsor activities is to help elderly people suffering from loneliness and to provide meaningful work for young people.