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Customer service opening hours in December

There are a few public holidays in December when our customer service is closed. Even on these days, Caruna+ and the chatbot are here to assist you around the clock. The fault reporting service is also on call normally.
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Changes in Caruna's Customer Service channels starting December 2, 2024

Caruna's personal chat service will be discontinued as of December 2, 2024. Going forward, our customers will be assisted by a chatbot that helps navigate to the right content on our website 24/7. Additionally, our digital and phone services will continue to be available to customers as before.
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Caruna has introduced electronic payment reminders

If your invoice remains unpaid after the due date, you will receive a payment reminder in the same channel to which the original invoice was sent. An electronic payment reminder is a quick and effortless way to react to an unpaid invoice. At the same time, Caruna will reduce the amount of paper mail and transfer letters to more environmentally friendly electronic channels.
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Switch to a electronic invoice

The electronic invoice makes everyday life easier and saves the environment! You can conveniently receive the electronic invoice in your online bank, OmaPosti, or the digital postal service Kivra. Below you will find instructions for getting started. We will send customers a tip about the electronic invoice via SMS during the summer and autumn.
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Electricity distribution is also ensured during storms: Preparedness for faults is a part of everyday life at Caruna

Power cuts caused by storms are now less frequent, as a large part of the electricity network has been taken underground to shelter from the weather. Nevertheless, Caruna and contractors always prepare for storms. Especially in storm situations, the safety of customers and employees comes first – the aim is to restore electricity quickly, but work is always carried out safety in mind.
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Sähkönjakelu on turvattu myös myrskyissä: Carunalla vikoihin varautuminen on osa arkea

Caruna to raise electricity distribution prices due to cost increases

Costs are rising at an increasing rate in Finland, and this also affects Caruna's costs. Electricity network construction has become more expensive, and the costs of energy losses have risen substantially this year. Interest rate levels are also higher. For this reason, the network service rates will rise from 1 January 2023.
Press release ·