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Occupational accidents have declined by half in 2017–2021 – electrical accidents have not
Accident statistics collected by electricity distributor Caruna from work sites in its network area have revealed a worrying trend. Although there has been a significant reduction in occupational accidents, electrical accidents are still the most common among electrical professionals, and the number of these accidents has not decreased. Caruna's safety data has now been collected on the website, where the causes that led to safety deficiencies, and the conclusions, can be found.
In the first week of October, Caruna will analyse the condition of the electricity network at night in various parts of Espoo
In the first week of October, beginning Monday 4 October, you may see Caruna's vans on the move at night in various parts of Espoo. The vans carry a device that monitors Caruna's low-voltage electricity network and indicates any network faults it detects. Similar studies have previously been conducted in the United States, Canada and various parts of Europe. The technology is now being put to the test in Finland for the first time.
Electricity solutions for specific needs: Cultivation with grow lighting in greenhouses uses a lot of electricity for the needs of growing
In Finland, the growing season is naturally short, but by using grow lighting, Finnish crops can be produced year round. Lighting that provides strength to growth is the biggest electricity user in a greenhouse, and annual usage can easily reach tens of thousands of megawatt hours. Electricity for the Juntti market garden will soon be delivered via their own Caruna primary substation
Construction of Sinimäki primary substation and related 110 kV underground cable connection begins in Espoo – effects on traffic arrangements
In the next few years, a new substation will be built in Sinimäki to meet the needs of growing electricity consumption and to support Espoo's carbon-neutral strategy. An underground high-voltage cable of six kilometres will also be installed during the project to connect the substations in Leppävaara and Sinimäki.
Caruna develops its electricity network and improves the reliability of approximately 1,500 customers' electricity distribution in Espoo and Kirkkonummi
Electricity distributor Caruna continues renewing its electricity network and improving reliability of supply. The focus is now in Suvisaaristo, Espoo and the coastal area of Kirkkonummi. The project will be implemented with N3M Power Oy Ab.
Primary substation to be built in Sinimäki, Espoo, to meet growing energy demand and improve reliability of electricity distribution in Espoo
Caruna is building a new primary substation in Sinimäki, Espoo, in response to the increasing energy consumption in Espoo as well as to support Espoo's carbon-neutral strategy and leadership in clean energy solutions. An underground cable will be installed during the project to connect the primary substations in Leppävaara and Sinimäki. The main contractor is Destia Oy. The total value of the Sinimäki project is approximately EUR 30 million of which Destia's share is EUR 15 million.
Crowd efforts further improve electricity network safety – Caruna and Posti continue collaboration
Ensuring the security and as needed, repairs of the electricity network is the most crucial part of the service provided by Caruna to its customers. Pilot collaboration of Caruna and Posti started in 2018 expands in the summer of 2019.
The accumulator storage of Fortum and Caruna improves the reliability of the electricity system
Climate change and the energy transition towards renewable and weather-dependent energy sources create requirements for the balance of the electricity system. Fortum and Caruna have together developed solutions for securing reliability of supply in the future.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.
Caruna awarded the best classification in occupational safety by the Zero Accidents Forum
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Zero Accidents Forum has once again issued safety classifications to its member companies. As in the previous four years, Caruna is in the best category: Among the best in the world.