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Occupational accidents have declined by half in 2017–2021 – electrical accidents have not
Accident statistics collected by electricity distributor Caruna from work sites in its network area have revealed a worrying trend. Although there has been a significant reduction in occupational accidents, electrical accidents are still the most common among electrical professionals, and the number of these accidents has not decreased. Caruna's safety data has now been collected on the website, where the causes that led to safety deficiencies, and the conclusions, can be found.
Caruna joins Save the Children Finland's Food and Support campaign
Electricity distribution company Caruna takes part in Save the Children Finland's campaign aimed at helping impoverished families by distributing, for example, gift vouchers to food shops to families with children. With the gift voucher, the family receives food aid, which is a concrete help to get past the most difficult moment.
Caruna awarded the best classification in occupational safety by the Zero Accidents Forum
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Zero Accidents Forum has once again issued safety classifications to its member companies. As in the previous four years, Caruna is in the best category: Among the best in the world.
Noora Neilimo-Kontio appointed as member of Caruna's Management Team
Noora Neilimo-Kontio, KTM (MSc in Economics and Business Administration), Head of Regulation and Strategy at Caruna, has been appointed as member of Caruna's Management Team as of 12 March 2020. She reports to CEO Tomi Yli-Kyyny.
Caruna and municipalities are working together to hire young people for summer jobs in municipalities
During this challenging pandemic period, Caruna wants to support the municipalities in its area and help them recruit young people aged 16 to 20 for summer jobs. Each municipality participating in the Duunienergiaa (Work Energy) campaign receives 4,000 euros for this purpose. Currently, 29 municipalities across Finland have already registered for the campaign. The municipality of Isojoki in South Ostrobothnia was the first to join the campaign.
Safety culture changes act by act
When a human error occurs on a site and safety is compromised, how do you raise the issue? Caruna's new safety coaches bring safety thinking and addressing skills forward in the organisation. Caruna always puts people's safety first. Everyone has the right to return home safely.
Caruna gets its own godoldster - work for a young person, a friend for an elderly person
Caruna participates in elderly service company Gubbe's Happy Old Age sponsor activities. The aim of the sponsor activities is to help elderly people suffering from loneliness and to provide meaningful work for young people.
Caruna to hand out awards for good safety performance today
Caruna handed out safety awards to Netel Oy, N3M Oy and Jaki-Matik Oy today. This is the fifth time Caruna has given safety awards, and the criteria for these awards were reliable partnership and exemplary individual performance in relation to safety.