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What happens to decommissioned electricity poles?

The recycling and life cycle of old electricity poles are closely monitored at Caruna, as they contain hazardous impregnations. What happens to the old poles? Who can use the poles? And can they even be used to build a garden bed?
Article ·
Sähköpylväitä puretaan.

Jyrki Tammivuori appointed CEO of Caruna as of 13 May 2022

Caruna’s Board of Directors has appointed Jyrki Tammivuori, M.Sc (Econ) CEO of Caruna as of 13 May, 2022. Tammivuori has been working for Caruna since 2015, first as CFO. Since 2018 Tammivuori has held the position of CFO and deputy CEO at Caruna. Tammivuori was appointed Acting CEO of Caruna in March 2022.
Press release ·

Caruna to hand out awards for good safety performance today

Caruna handed out safety awards to Netel Oy, N3M Oy and Jaki-Matik Oy today. This is the fifth time Caruna has given safety awards, and the criteria for these awards were reliable partnership and exemplary individual performance in relation to safety.
Press release ·