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We will introduce the digital mail service Kivra
We are adding Kivra, a free and easy-to-use digital mail service, as a new delivery channel for electricity distribution invoices.
Second part of Caruna Oy's price increase to take effect from 1 August 2023
As cost increases have continued, Caruna will implement the second part of the projected price increase from 1 August 2023 in Caruna Oy. The price increase was split into two parts to mitigate the impact of the increases on customers, especially given the high energy costs in winter. The first part of the price increase took effect from 1 January 2023.
Caruna in 2022: the energy crisis raised costs and accelerated the ongoing energy transition
Caruna's operating environment deteriorated significantly in 2022 due to the extraordinary changes taken by the regulator in the middle of the regulatory period and a general increase in costs due to the energy crisis triggered by the Ukraine war. The Group's net sales from January to December amounted to EUR 484.6 (499.8) million, and it invested EUR 133.6 (140.1) million. Net sales before financial expenses decreased in comparison with the previous year. Net financial expenses amounted to 121.0, which is approximately 25 per cent of net sales.
No more paper mail – activate electronical services
When you have activated the permission for electronical informing, we will only inform you with text messages or e-mails from there on.
The accumulator storage of Fortum and Caruna improves the reliability of the electricity system
Climate change and the energy transition towards renewable and weather-dependent energy sources create requirements for the balance of the electricity system. Fortum and Caruna have together developed solutions for securing reliability of supply in the future.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.
Caruna awarded the best classification in occupational safety by the Zero Accidents Forum
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Zero Accidents Forum has once again issued safety classifications to its member companies. As in the previous four years, Caruna is in the best category: Among the best in the world.
Safety culture changes act by act
When a human error occurs on a site and safety is compromised, how do you raise the issue? Caruna's new safety coaches bring safety thinking and addressing skills forward in the organisation. Caruna always puts people's safety first. Everyone has the right to return home safely.
Safety is a team effort
An old Finnish saying goes: "There's one for every train". Some continue the saying: "... and some are left at the station". Sayings are always sayings, but there is wisdom behind them. We at Caruna agree that everyone is different. Nobody is, however, left at the station. Everyone is equally valuable.
Caruna offers its private customers a free three months' respite for payment and expedites the payment of invoices to contractors
The option to extend the payment deadline applies to all of Caruna's private customers, around 600,000 in total. By this measure, Caruna wants to do its part in helping to alleviate the financial impacts of the coronavirus epidemic on its customers.