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Caruna has introduced electronic payment reminders

If your invoice remains unpaid after the due date, you will receive a payment reminder in the same channel to which the original invoice was sent. An electronic payment reminder is a quick and effortless way to react to an unpaid invoice. At the same time, Caruna will reduce the amount of paper mail and transfer letters to more environmentally friendly electronic channels.
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Switch to a electronic invoice

The electronic invoice makes everyday life easier and saves the environment! You can conveniently receive the electronic invoice in your online bank, OmaPosti, or the digital postal service Kivra. Below you will find instructions for getting started. We will send customers a tip about the electronic invoice via SMS during the summer and autumn.
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Second part of Caruna Oy's price increase to take effect from 1 August 2023

As cost increases have continued, Caruna will implement the second part of the projected price increase from 1 August 2023 in Caruna Oy. The price increase was split into two parts to mitigate the impact of the increases on customers, especially given the high energy costs in winter. The first part of the price increase took effect from 1 January 2023.
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Caruna in 2022: the energy crisis raised costs and accelerated the ongoing energy transition

Caruna's operating environment deteriorated significantly in 2022 due to the extraordinary changes taken by the regulator in the middle of the regulatory period and a general increase in costs due to the energy crisis triggered by the Ukraine war. The Group's net sales from January to December amounted to EUR 484.6 (499.8) million, and it invested EUR 133.6 (140.1) million. Net sales before financial expenses decreased in comparison with the previous year. Net financial expenses amounted to 121.0, which is approximately 25 per cent of net sales.
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Caruna's Annual Report 2021 published

The Caruna Group (Caruna) Annual Report for 2021 has been published at The Annual Report contains sections on Corporate Responsibility and Governance and, as separate pdf files, also the ESG indicator section that summarises number data, as well as the financial statements for 2021.
Press release ·

CEO of Caruna to change

Tomi Yli-Kyyny, CEO of the electricity distribution company Caruna, has announced his resignation to assume a new position outside Caruna. He will continue in his current position until 1 May 2022, ensuring a smooth transfer of duties and responsibilities to his successor.
Press release ·