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Caruna ready to net small-scale production

The new amendment to the Government Decree allows hourly netting of small-scale production and consumption. This means that Caruna will automatically compensate for production that is not used in a one-hour period in the small-scale producer's distribution invoice.
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Electricity solutions for specific needs: Cultivation with grow lighting in greenhouses uses a lot of electricity for the needs of growing

In Finland, the growing season is naturally short, but by using grow lighting, Finnish crops can be produced year round. Lighting that provides strength to growth is the biggest electricity user in a greenhouse, and annual usage can easily reach tens of thousands of megawatt hours. Electricity for the Juntti market garden will soon be delivered via their own Caruna primary substation
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Do you use exchange electricity? Reduce your bill with electrical load control

Electrical load control is the control of heating and hot water boilers in homes through an electricity meter. The control is suitable not only for buyers of exchange electricity who use the service at night, but also for owners of solar panels, who should concentrate their electricity use during the day.
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Carunan kuormanohjauspalvelu

Construction of Sinimäki primary substation and related 110 kV underground cable connection begins in Espoo – effects on traffic arrangements

In the next few years, a new substation will be built in Sinimäki to meet the needs of growing electricity consumption and to support Espoo's carbon-neutral strategy. An underground high-voltage cable of six kilometres will also be installed during the project to connect the substations in Leppävaara and Sinimäki.
Press release ·

A carbon-neutral future is the common goal of Espoo and Caruna – cooperation agreement signed

The City of Espoo and electricity distribution company Caruna Espoo Oy signed an agreement on strategic cooperation on March 31, 2021. The aim of the cooperation is to support Espoo's growth and carbon-neutrality targets with a strong electricity network that meets future energy needs, enabling clean energy solutions for Espoo residents and companies.
Press release ·

Caruna in 2020: We made further improvements to our procedures for designing, building and renovating the electricity network for our customers

The electrification of society, the increase of renewable energy production and electric transportation require a strong and smart electricity network to support Finland's carbon neutrality goals by 2035. In 2020, Caruna carried out long-term work to upgrade its electricity network, taking the increasing future need for electricity into consideration.
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