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Customer service hours during holidays in 2024
Check here for customer service opening hours during holidays.
We will introduce the digital mail service Kivra
We are adding Kivra, a free and easy-to-use digital mail service, as a new delivery channel for electricity distribution invoices.
No more paper mail – activate electronical services
When you have activated the permission for electronical informing, we will only inform you with text messages or e-mails from there on.
Caruna has a new invoicing partner, Ropo Capital
Our contract regarding invoicing services has been moved to Ropo Capital from 1 September 2022 onwards.
Do you use exchange electricity? Reduce your bill with electrical load control
Electrical load control is the control of heating and hot water boilers in homes through an electricity meter. The control is suitable not only for buyers of exchange electricity who use the service at night, but also for owners of solar panels, who should concentrate their electricity use during the day.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.
Caruna offers its private customers a free three months' respite for payment and expedites the payment of invoices to contractors
The option to extend the payment deadline applies to all of Caruna's private customers, around 600,000 in total. By this measure, Caruna wants to do its part in helping to alleviate the financial impacts of the coronavirus epidemic on its customers.