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Caruna has introduced electronic payment reminders
If your invoice remains unpaid after the due date, you will receive a payment reminder in the same channel to which the original invoice was sent. An electronic payment reminder is a quick and effortless way to react to an unpaid invoice. At the same time, Caruna will reduce the amount of paper mail and transfer letters to more environmentally friendly electronic channels.
Electricity distribution is also ensured during storms: Preparedness for faults is a part of everyday life at Caruna
Power cuts caused by storms are now less frequent, as a large part of the electricity network has been taken underground to shelter from the weather. Nevertheless, Caruna and contractors always prepare for storms. Especially in storm situations, the safety of customers and employees comes first – the aim is to restore electricity quickly, but work is always carried out safety in mind.

Caruna to raise electricity distribution prices due to cost increases
Costs are rising at an increasing rate in Finland, and this also affects Caruna's costs. Electricity network construction has become more expensive, and the costs of energy losses have risen substantially this year. Interest rate levels are also higher. For this reason, the network service rates will rise from 1 January 2023.
Jyrki Tammivuori appointed CEO of Caruna as of 13 May 2022
Caruna’s Board of Directors has appointed Jyrki Tammivuori, M.Sc (Econ) CEO of Caruna as of 13 May, 2022. Tammivuori has been working for Caruna since 2015, first as CFO. Since 2018 Tammivuori has held the position of CFO and deputy CEO at Caruna. Tammivuori was appointed Acting CEO of Caruna in March 2022.
Caruna reduces the price of electricity distribution in Caruna Espoo Oy’s network area
Customer prices will decrease by an average of 2.5 per cent as of 1 November 2021. The average impact on prices excluding tax will be 5 per cent. The price reduction will apply to approximately 226,000 customers in Caruna Espoo Oy’s network area (Espoo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi and the centre of Joensuu).
Electricity solutions for specific needs: Cultivation with grow lighting in greenhouses uses a lot of electricity for the needs of growing
In Finland, the growing season is naturally short, but by using grow lighting, Finnish crops can be produced year round. Lighting that provides strength to growth is the biggest electricity user in a greenhouse, and annual usage can easily reach tens of thousands of megawatt hours. Electricity for the Juntti market garden will soon be delivered via their own Caruna primary substation
Construction of Sinimäki primary substation and related 110 kV underground cable connection begins in Espoo – effects on traffic arrangements
In the next few years, a new substation will be built in Sinimäki to meet the needs of growing electricity consumption and to support Espoo's carbon-neutral strategy. An underground high-voltage cable of six kilometres will also be installed during the project to connect the substations in Leppävaara and Sinimäki.
Caruna in 2020: We made further improvements to our procedures for designing, building and renovating the electricity network for our customers
The electrification of society, the increase of renewable energy production and electric transportation require a strong and smart electricity network to support Finland's carbon neutrality goals by 2035. In 2020, Caruna carried out long-term work to upgrade its electricity network, taking the increasing future need for electricity into consideration.
Industrial electricity tax to be lowered as of 1 January 2021
The industrial electricity tax included in the electricity distribution invoice will be lowered to 0.063 c/kWh at the beginning of the year. The change also applies to commercial greenhouse production.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.