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Electricity distribution company Caruna's business largely meets the criteria of EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities
Caruna has carried out an assessment of the sustainability of its operations concerning mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. According to the assessment, 99.7% of Caruna's net sales and 99.1% of investments are in line with the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities. The assessment was carried out in accordance with the technical screening criteria for assessing the electricity transmission and distribution industry. Sustainability consulting company Third Rock assisted in the assessment.
Occupational accidents have declined by half in 2017–2021 – electrical accidents have not
Accident statistics collected by electricity distributor Caruna from work sites in its network area have revealed a worrying trend. Although there has been a significant reduction in occupational accidents, electrical accidents are still the most common among electrical professionals, and the number of these accidents has not decreased. Caruna's safety data has now been collected on the website, where the causes that led to safety deficiencies, and the conclusions, can be found.
Caruna joins Save the Children Finland's Food and Support campaign
Electricity distribution company Caruna takes part in Save the Children Finland's campaign aimed at helping impoverished families by distributing, for example, gift vouchers to food shops to families with children. With the gift voucher, the family receives food aid, which is a concrete help to get past the most difficult moment.
Crowd efforts further improve electricity network safety – Caruna and Posti continue collaboration
Ensuring the security and as needed, repairs of the electricity network is the most crucial part of the service provided by Caruna to its customers. Pilot collaboration of Caruna and Posti started in 2018 expands in the summer of 2019.
If you are heating with electricity: do your wallet and the climate a service with electrical load control!
Caruna's customers were given a golden opportunity to manage the start-up schedules of electrical devices, such as water boilers. This brings relief to the electricity invoice, as devices can be turned on during the cheapest hours of electricity. At the same time, the customer inadvertently does a service to the climate.
Clone of If you are heating with electricity: do your wallet and the climate a service with electrical load control!
Caruna's customers were given a golden opportunity to manage the start-up schedules of electrical devices, such as water boilers. This brings relief to the electricity invoice, as devices can be turned on during the cheapest hours of electricity. At the same time, the customer inadvertently does a service to the climate.
Caruna takes care of the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances
We take the coronavirus situation seriously and we have already taken steps to ensure the electricity distribution even under abnormal circumstances. We ensure that electricity will be transferred to our customers and possible faults will be taken care of.
Caruna awarded the best classification in occupational safety by the Zero Accidents Forum
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's Zero Accidents Forum has once again issued safety classifications to its member companies. As in the previous four years, Caruna is in the best category: Among the best in the world.
Caruna gets its own godoldster - work for a young person, a friend for an elderly person
Caruna participates in elderly service company Gubbe's Happy Old Age sponsor activities. The aim of the sponsor activities is to help elderly people suffering from loneliness and to provide meaningful work for young people.