Our services for small-scale generators of electricitry
You can monitor your electricity consumption and the volume of surplus electricity generated in Caruna+ once you have received a connection permit for your generating equipment. The electricity produced and consumed are measured through the same electric meter in fifteen-minute periods and are netted, i.e., added together for the same quarter, when the power of the generating equipment does not exceed 100 kW.
Electricity monitoring on Caruna+
After commissioning the generating equipment, you can examine the data recorded by the electric meter in Caruna+, i.e. the amount of electricity transferred from the network to the property and the amount of surplus production transferred from the property to the network.
Caruna's records does not include anything that happens in your property before the electric meter. These include information on the amount of production and the amount of consumption of self-generated electricity in the property.
The following is a more detailed explanation of what the data in Caruna+ means and how you can monitor your gross production and consumption in your property.
Data to be monitored in Caruna+
- Total distribution is the amount of electricity distributed from Caruna's distribution network to you. This is the amount of electricity you have used in your property in addition to the electricity produced by your solar panels.
- Surplus production is the amount of electricity you produce and do not consume in your property. This electricity is transferred into Caruna's distribution network in full. It is the sum of the production eligible for sale and reimbursement.
- Production eligible for reimbursement is the proportion of surplus production that is reimbursed from the total distribution distributed during an hour through netting. Production eligible for reimbursement does not mean the amount of electricity produced that you have used on the property.
- Production to be sold is the amount of electricity that you produce and that is left over after hourly netting. In other words, it is the amount remaining after the production eligible for reimbursement. Your electricity supplier will pay you for the share of production to be sold based on your agreement.
- Billable consumption is the amount of electricity that you pay for in your electricity bill. We calculate your billable consumption by subtracting the production eligible for reimbursement from your total distribution.
Netting happens every fifteen minutes, but Caruna+ shows you an hourly rate instead of quarters.
Thanks to netting one metering period (15 minutes) cannot consist of both Billable consumption and production to be sold. Caruna+ will still show you the data on an hourly rate. This means that the hour shown in the electricity monitoring service will display four metering periods within one hour. Due to this, Caruna+ can show you both Billable consumption and production to be sold for the same hour. These two cannot exist together within the same quarter.
The netting of production and consumption is done in Fingrid's Datahub-portal. You can monitor your quarterly data there.
Things happening before the electric meter that cannot be monitored in Caruna+
You can monitor the total amount of electricity your solar panels produce by checking the screen on the inverter or by accessing the supplier's service.
The amount of production used in the property reduces the total distribution transmitted to the property in the same proportion. The main benefit of generating equipment on your electricity bill comes from the fact that you get some of the electricity you need for your property through the panels, rather than it being transmitted to you from the electricity network.
Netting of small-scale generation, generating equipment up to 100 kW
Electricity generated by your solar panels will be mainly used within your property. In addition to the generated electricity, you will need electricity that is distributed to you through Caruna's electricity grid.
We will measure the consumption and the production of electricity with the same meter. One metering period is 15 minutes, a quarter, when the surplus production and the transferred electricity will be netted, i.e. added together. All Caruna's small-scale generators are automatically netted.
- If the solar panels generate more electricity than you consume during the same quarter, your electricity seller will reimburse you for the production to be sold that’s left after the netting.
- If you consume more electricity than you generate within the same quarter, then you will pay for the difference between the consumption and the generated electricity.
On Caruna's invoice we will bill you monthly for electricity that is transferred to you from our grid after the netting is completed. The netted surplus production i.e. the production eligible for reimbursement is already subtracted from the amount that is shown in your invoice.
The use of electricity within the property can vary depending on how much you use electricity and how much electricity is generated by your solar panels.
Underneath you can see how four metering periods can form an hour and what information is shown on Caruna+ in this case.
8am-9am consists of four metering periods, when the amount of electricity distributed to the customer from our grid and the amount of electricity generated by the customer is distributed to our grid is netted.
8am - 8:15am: Total distribution = 5, Surplus production = 0
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 5, Production eligible for reimbursement = 0, Production to be sold = 0
8:15am - 8:30am: Total distribution = 1, Surplus production = 0
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 1, Production eligible for reimbursement = 0, Production to be sold = 0
8:30am - 8:45am: Total distribution = 0, Surplus production = 11
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 0, Production eligible for reimbursement = 0, Production to be sold = 11
8:45am – 9am: Total distribution = 2, Surplus production = 9
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 0, Production eligible for reimbursement = 2, Production to be sold = 7
From 8am to 9am the metering data will show the following info on Caruna+
Total distribution/daytime distribution 8kWh
Surplus production 20kWh, from which reimbursed production is 2kWh and sold production is 18kWh
The billable consumption is 6kWh
9am-10am consists of four metering periods, when the amount of electricity distributed to the customer from our grid and the amount of electricity generated by the customer is distributed to our grid is netted.
9am - 9:15am: Total distribution = 3, Surplus production = 4
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 0, Production eligible for reimbursement = 3, Production to be sold = 1
9:15am - 9:30am: Total distribution = 2, Surplus production = 2
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 0, Production eligible for reimbursement = 2, Production to be sold = 0
9:30am - 9:45am: Total distribution = 0, Surplus production = 0
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 0, Production eligible for reimbursement = 0, Production to be sold = 0
9:45am – 10am: Total distribution = 4, Surplus production = 3
After the quarterly netting there is: Billable consumption = 1, Production eligible for reimbursement = 3, Production to be sold = 0
From 9am to 10am the metering data will show the following info on Caruna+
Total distribution/daytime distribution 9kWh
Surplus production 9kWh, from which reimbursed production is 8kWh and sold production is 1kWh
The billable consumption is 1kWh
Utilising load control
Caruna has a load control service for its customers through the electric meter, which allows you to schedule, for example, the operation of electrically operated storage heaters, such as a water boiler.
Solar power producers can use the load control service to select switch groups to switch on devices during the day during the sunniest hours. This allows a greater proportion of own production to be used for own consumption.
You can deploy the load control service in Caruna+.
The electricity I generate does not show up in monitoring. Why?
Monitoring surplus generation on Caruna+ requires an agreement on the purchase of surplus electricity with a supplier.
Caruna's meter only measures the surplus generation transmitted to the electricity network. If you have consumed all the electricity generated by the solar panels in the property during an hour, the monitoring will not show the generation data because there is no surplus generation.
Measurement errors are extremely rare.