Caruna in brief

Caruna Group includes two network companies: Caruna Oy, which operates mainly in rural areas, and Caruna Espoo Oy, which operates in urban areas.







Caruna in brief

Caruna is a Finnish electricity network company. We secure the reliable distribution of electricity to our customers – also as electricity consumption increases and we move from fossil to renewable energy. By investing in the electricity network, we make sure that our customers can use domestic, renewable energy and become small-scale producers of electricity. We bring electricity to 737,000 customers in South, Southwest and West Finland, Joensuu and Koillismaa – equalling 20% of Finnish electricity distribution.

We employ approximately 270 people, and we indirectly employ several hundred people in different parts of Finland in our projects. We are a Finnish company and we pay all our taxes to Finland. The degree of domesticity of our work is 100 percent.

Caruna is owned by the Finnish pension insurance company Elo (7.5%) and international investors KKR (40%), Ontario Teachers' (40%) and AMF (12.5%).

Our operations are regulated by the Energy Authority, which regulates operation of the electricity grid business in Finland.

Caruna area

Carunas municipalities

Caruna is the primary electricity distributor in 57 municipalities. Our network area extends from Hanko in the southernmost part of Finland all the way to Koillismaa.

Management Team and Board of Directors

The management team's role is to prepare the group's business plan and decide on investments together with the CEO. Caruna's Board of Directors is responsible for the Group's strategic development and for monitoring and steering the Group's business operations and governance

 Caruna Oy Caruna Espoo Oy 
Length of electricity network (kilometres)80,9008,300
Cabling rate on the low-voltage network (%)5780
Cabling rate on the medium voltage network (%)7392
Network length (metres/customer)16434
Cabling rate (%)6182


Key Figures 2023

Key Figures 2023

Figure value


Figure description

Net sales, M€

Figure value


Figure description

Investments, M€

Figure value


Figure description

Taxonomy-eligible investments

Caruna electricity network

Caruna electricity network

Figure value


Figure description

Length of electricity network (km)

Figure value


Figure description


Figure value

ca. 20 %

Figure description

Share of electricity distribution in Finland

Figure value


Figure description

Security of supply

Our approximately 89,000 kilometer long electricity network is 76 times the length of Finland.

Caruna includes two different distribution companies: Caruna Espoo Oy, operating mainly in urban conditions (Espoo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi and the centre of Joensuu), and Caruna Oy, mainly in rural areas (Western Finland, Central Uusimaa, Western Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, Satakunta, Southern, Central and Northern Ostrobothnia, and Koillismaa).

Karttakuva Carunan verkkoalueista
Two cyclists photographed from above.

Strategy and values

Our mission is to safe-guard high-quality, cost-efficient, and sustainable electricity distribution for our customers under all conditions.

Suomen ensimmäinen dynaaminen sähköliittymä kytkettiin verkkoon

Caruna's Year 2023

Annual Report, Governance and Financials

Carunan kunnossapitoanalyytikko Iiris Rauhalammi esittelee valkoista IoT-sensorilaitetta.

Latest innovations and services

We explore new solutions and operating models to meet the future needs of the electricity network.