Terminate an electricity connection

You should terminate your electricity connection when you no longer need electricity on the plot. Before terminating the connection, make sure that no new buildings will be constructed on the plot, for example, by a new owner after a sale.

You should terminate your electricity connection when you no longer need electricity on the plot. Before terminating the connection, make sure that no new buildings will be constructed on the plot, for example, by a new owner after a sale. If an electricity connection is needed on the plot in the future, a new contract must be made for the connection, and a connection fee will be charged in accordance with our connection fee price list.

If you plan to demolish a building on the property, for reasons of electrical safety, demolition work must not begin until our contractor has deactivated the connection, i.e. disconnected it from the electricity distribution network. Demolishing a building with a live electricity connection could be life-threatening and could cause a network failure.

If the demolition work is urgent, consult our customer service team about the possibility of expedited service (1–9 days). We will charge for the expedited service in accordance with our service rates.

Termination of an electricity connection step by step


Is the electricity connection in your name?

Only the owner of the connection may order maintenance of the connection. You can also be authorised to act on behalf of the connection owner – append the power of attorney to the connection termination order.

If the information on the connection owner is not up to date, you can report a change of owner on Caruna+.

Notify a change of owner

Order the termination of an electricity connection


Sign the notice of termination

We will send you a termination notice to sign. The order will take effect when you have signed it and the work begins.

We will order the deactivation of the connection from our contractor when we have received the signed contract.


We will deactivate the connection and remove the meter

Our contractor will remove the electricity meter and disconnect the electricity supply within about one week of the submission of the contract. The contractor will confirm the deactivation time with you. If necessary, our contractor can also dismantle the electricity network.


The connection is terminated

The basic fee and the consumed energy will be invoiced until the meter is removed. We will refund any refundable part of the connection fee minus the cost of disconnection. The disconnection costs are no more than EUR 180 if the connection is no more than 3 x 63 amperes and the disconnected line length is no more than 200 metres. In other cases, the disconnection costs are determined for each case individually, based on the actual disconnection costs.

The disconnection costs will be deducted from any refundable connection fees in full or up to the amount of the refundable connection fee. The disconnection cost will not be charged if the connection has no refundable connection fees.

Frequently asked questions about terminating an electricity connection

Is there a fee for disconnection?

We invoice the basic fee and the consumed energy until the meter is removed. There are no costs for disconnecting the connection. 

The connection contract states the refundable part of the connection fee, if applicable, and the disconnection costs. If the connection has refundable connection fees, we will refund the connection fee minus the cost of disconnection when the connection is terminated. 

The disconnection costs cannot exceed the refundable connection fee. 

The refundable connection fee for a 3 x 25 ampere connection is EUR 200, and EUR 180 is deducted from this sum. EUR 20 is refunded to the connection owner upon termination. If there are no refundable connection fees, there will not be any disconnection costs.

A death estate owns the electricity connection. Does this need to be taken into consideration in any way?

In order to place a termination order, we need an extract from the deed of estate inventory on the parties to the estate, and every party must sign the notice of termination. 

If one person handles the affairs of the death estate, the order must be accompanied by the deed of estate inventory and a power of attorney, showing that the parties to the estate authorise the person to order the disconnection and sign the disconnection contract on their behalf if necessary. Append the power of attorney and an extract from the deed of estate inventory to the termination order.

I would like to terminate my electricity agreement. Shall I fill in the disconnection form to end the contract with Caruna?

Be careful because terminating an electricity connection and terminating an electricity contract are two different things! 

  • Terminating an electricity connection means that there will no longer be any right to use electricity on the site, and the electricity meter(s) will be physically removed from the property. 
  • You can terminate an electricity contract by contacting your electricity supplier. Your electricity supplier will automatically notify us of the termination, and Caruna will stop charging for electricity distribution on the same date.