Electricity connections
I need a new electricity connection
When you are planning a construction project, you should take electricity into consideration in good time. Please remember to place your order well in advance when you know you need an electricity connection.
Familiarise yourself with the steps involved in ordering a connection and order an electricity connection conveniently on our website.
Order an electricity connection as early as possible
Read more and place an orderI need electricity temporarily
Temporary electricity connections are best suited to companies that need electricity temporarily for purposes such as professional construction sites, events or businesses such as summer ice cream kiosks.
I am making changes to my existing electricity connection
Change the owner of your electricity connection
If the owner of a detached house or a holiday home changes, the electricity connection usually also changes ownership. An electricity connection is movable property, which is not automatically transferred to the new owner of a real estate. The change of ownership should be specifically stated in the document relating to the change, and the new owner should notify us of the change.
Increase the size of your electricity connection
If your electricity consumption needs have increased, perhaps due to a change in how you heat your property or a new electric vehicle charging point, you can upgrade your existing connection right; in other words, you can increase the maximum permitted main fuse size. Order an upgrade to your connection rights from us, and ask an electricity contractor to verify that the electrical equipment on your property is compatible with the change.
Terminate an electricity connection
You should terminate your electricity connection when you no longer need electricity on the plot. If you need an electricity connection on your plot at a later date, you must order a new electricity connection for the plot and pay a connection fee in accordance with the connection rates.
Transfer a connection to maintenance
You can close your connection temporarily (i.e., put it into maintenance) when the connection needs to be disconnected from the electricity network for reasons such as the demolition of a building. It is also worth putting your connection into maintenance when you do not need electricity now, but you may need it again in the future.
We will remove the electricity meter and disconnect the connection from the electricity network, but the connection contract will remain in force, and you can reactivate the connection whenever you need to.
Changes to the electrical equipment
Electrical equipment includes the property's electrical devices, lines and switchboards.
If the electrical equipment on the property is updated, contact your electricity contractor. They will check the necessary changes to the property's electrical equipment based on your needs and take the necessary steps.