Electricity generation

Interest in on-site electricity generation has increased in recent years, and up to 20,000 power plants have already been connected to Caruna's distribution network, most of which are solar power plants on or near houses. Thanks to the energy transition, almost all new power plants use renewable energy sources.

Aurinkopaneelit katolla järvimaisemassa

Connecting generating equipment to the electricity network

Caruna must be notified of all generating equipment feeding electricity to Caruna's distribution network via a connection, including solar panels, small wind turbines, batteries and bidirectional electric car chargers.

Nainen sohvalla tietokone sylissään.

Our services for small-scale generators

You can monitor your electricity consumption and the volume of surplus electricity generated in Caruna+ once you have received a connection permit for your generating equipment. The electricity produced and consumed are measured through the same electric meter in fifteen-minute periods and are netted, i.e. added together for the same quarter, when the power of the generating equipment does not exceed 100 kW.

Carunan liittymishinnasto

Energy communities

Housing companies can begin producing their own electricity more flexibly by setting up an energy community. Setting up an energy community enables residential and commercial units to consume the electricity generated. Any small-scale electricity producer can establish an energy community. The jointly generated energy is divided among the members of the energy community in the agreed proportions.

Aurinkopaneelit muualle kuin katolle?

Generation connections

Connecting generating equipment to the network requires an electricity connection. If the capacity of the generating equipment to be installed on an existing connection is greater than what is enabled by the fuse size of the connection, it may be necessary to convert the consumption connection into a generation connection. If a connection does not already exist, a completely new connection must be ordered for the deployment of the generating equipment.