Caruna's Customer ombudsman

The customer ombudsman deals with complaints, correction requests, or issues related to Caruna's online services or products, such as billing disputes, connecting to the electricity network, modifications, or electrical network construction projects. The service is free of charge.

If there has been a misunderstanding or error in our service, we want the interaction to be smooth even in those situations. Please contact customer service first if you have a customer service issue, want to provide feedback on Caruna's product, or are dissatisfied with the service you received. Any misunderstandings can be corrected immediately.

If your issue is not resolved through negotiation with the customer service representative, you can together agree on escalating the matter to Caruna's customer ombudsman for further handling. The customer service representative will forward the contact request to the customer ombudsman.

The customer ombudsman cannot intervene in:

  • matters related to electricity retail
  • compensation decisions by the customer's insurance company
  • decisions made by the Finnish Energy Authority or courts of justice

The statements of the customer ombudsman are recommendations and do not bind the parties involved. 

The customer ombudsman will contact you within two weeks of receiving the contact request. 

If you are not satisfied with the customer ombudsman's resolution or do not wish to seek correction through the customer representative, you may, if you wish, bring the matter to the attention of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority or Energy Authority for consideration.

Contact us

Customer service contact information

Check the customer service contact details and contact us by phone if necessary.